Mount Pleasant (Baltimore) 34/39 Deacon Care Family Ministry

Welcome to the online home of the Deacon Care Family Ministry for the 21234 and 21239 zip codes of Mount Pleasant Church and Ministries, Baltimore, Maryland. We are better known as the "34/39 Zip Zone!"

The Mount Pleasant members of 21234 and 21239 have joined together for a number of activities. Sunday breakfast at church, a Saturday breakfast and walk in the park, Sunday dinner, Meet and Greet after service, and a Resource Center Fellowship. Page down for the latest information, then enjoy the photo slideshow at the bottom of the page.

Blog Posts & Messages

Our blog posts begin here. We add both announcements and notices that are specific to 34/39 members and to Mount Pleasant's members at large. We try to update this site several times each month. We welcome your posts in the comment sections.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Good morning 34/39 and friends,

We wish you a very
Merry Christmas!
We pray that you will truly have peace, comfort, and joy on this day as you remember the birth of Christ. He came to carry our loads, relieve our burdens, and prevent us from suffering in eternity. No matter what is going on in our lives, we can be grateful for JESUS, the son of God. The sun is shining so brightly in Baltimore this morning. Let your acceptance and remembrance of the SON shine in your heart today.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Passing of 34/39 Member, Denise Bates

Our 34/39 member Sis. Denise Bates went home to be with the Lord on Friday. Sis. Bates is the daughter of Sis. Mae Edwards. The viewing will be today, Wednesday,December 17, 2008 between the hours of 4 and 8 p.m. The service will be tomorrow, Thursday, December 18, 2008 wake 10:30 a.m. worship to follow.

Please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Arrangements for mother of 34/39 member Sharon Moore

Information for Sis. Sharon Moore's Mom's services:

Thursday, December 18th from 3:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.
@ Vaughn C. Greene Funeral Home
4905 York Road
Baltimore, Md. 21212

Wake, Funeral and Repast:
Friday, December 19th
@ St. James Free Baptist Church
3916 Old York Road
Baltimore, Md 21212
From 6:30 P.M. - 7:30 P.M. and funeral service and repass to follow

Burial Saturday morning @ Woodlawn

Please keep the family in prayer.

Food sales and deals at the local Ravenwood Giant

Don't forget sales and deals at the local Giant on Loch Raven and Taylor Avenues (Ravenwood.) Our 34/39 have noted that this is one of their grocers of choice. Here is the link for the weekly circular:

Mount Pleasant's College Students

Mount Pleasant's college students and mentors are invited to join the MP COLLEGE CONNECTIONS group on Facebook:

MP College Connections is a network of full-time and part-time college and continuing education students (approximate ages: 18-30) who live and/or participate in the community served by the Mount Pleasant Church and Ministries in the city of Baltimore. College Connections is designed to provide peer support, professional development, and academic mentoring to undergraduate and graduate students seeing any certificate or degree (Associates through Ph.D.) in any field of study. College Connections will provide mentoring from a Biblical perspective and seeks to encourage and empower students to excel in their work, progress in their programs, and graduate with a plan to use their God-given gifts to serve.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Tree Trimming with Mount Pleasant Family: Tuesday, 12/16

Come on out and trim the tree and see the wonderful children's exhibit of biblical history and the birth of Christ. This Tuesday, 12/16 at 7 p.m. in the Family Life Center of Mount Pleasant.

Semon Notes: Overcoming Depression - 7:45, Dec. 14, 2008

The following highlights are from Bishop Johnson's 7:45 service. All members are encouraged to get the full context from the CDs.
Scripture context: Psalm 102:1-4, Romans 8:25-29, Hebrews 4:14-16
  • The spirit of rejection leads to depression. Depression is anger surpressed. It comes from feelings of anger, guilt, hopelessness.
  • [Depression] Leads to a place of cessation of activity.
  • Depression is a deeper level of emotional turmoil. 1 person in 5 will experience levels of persistent depression. Depression is a major risk factor after heart attack and stroke.
  • Depression not only affects you, but it affects those around you.
  • Depression can be caused by a variety of factors:

--> Stress. God didn't create our bodies to handle much stress. God didn't give us the spirit of fear, but fear unrecognized can lead to stress.

--> Unconfessed sin. When sin in going on in your life unchecked, the enemy will lead you to a place of depression.

--> Other physical things. You may need to get a good check-up. Some things to check: overactive thyroid, female hormones, diabetes, vitamin B12. The Bible tells us to take care of our temples. These things can create a deficiency, a sadness.

--> Sometimes prescription drugs will cause you to be in a place of sadness and depression (overmedicated) ... may not always be possessed by a demon.

--> Recreational drugs: alcohol, cocaine. Depression comes later ... you keep crashing, it gets worse.

"I always want to have a clear mind so that I can make good decision, make wise choices, to deal with the matter at hand."

Feelings of depression are described in the Bible as: * Fallen countenance * Broken spirit * experiencing despair * being broken hearted * losing heart * becoming faint or weary.

(Be careful of depression right after you're on a great victorious high.)

No one is exempt. No one is completely immune. All are vulnerable. Remember to put on the whole armor of God - it protects you from depression. (Ref. Ephesians 6:10-18)

READ Psalm 143: 1-3.

Depression takes a person's spiritual freedom and power. Remember to pay attention to what has your attention. Remind yourself, "I am a child of God."

Don't let depression get you this year - you already have power - you're already free.

READ Romans 7, Romans 8: 1-2.

The joy of the Lord is my strength. He who the Son sets free is free indeed! All things work together for good ... [for those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose!] Remember the good times - remember how He brought you out. Weeping endures for a night ...[but joy comes in the morning.] Meditate, muse on how the Lord made a way out of no way. Think about all of the good things he has done.

To do:

  1. PRAY (Get down to where the rubber meets the road, where you mean business with God. He will come to your rescue.)
  2. PRAISE (Praise = Thanksgiving - which ushers you into worship. Remember Psalm 103: 1-5 --- "Bless the Lord, Oh my soul!" Tell my soul to get up out of that darkness. Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord.) Remember: Psalm 127, Revelations 3:20.
  3. WORSHIP (In God's face; behold the beauty of Him. Worship takes you into a place of supoernatural transfer.)
  4. PRAISE Again (Thank Him for what took place in worship.)

Study the life of David: every place you look, he comes out of that despair and praises God. The end of the Psalms - he says "Let everything that has breath [praise the Lord.] (Psalm 150.)

During the holiday season. Don't concern yourself with who's not here, only with who is there. Set your sights on one who will never fail you.

Read Romans 8, Hebrews 4.

ZipZone Sunday Photos from Nov. 30, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sermon Highlights: Sun. Dec. 7 - The Spirit of Rejection

The following notes are highlights/summary points from the 12/7/08 7:45 and 10:45 services. All members are strongly encouraged to get the CD so that you can hear Bishop Johnson's message in its complete context.

Recognizing and Dealing With the Spirit of Rejection
Scripture context: Isaiah 53:3-6, Hebrews 4:13-16.
(These scriptures will be provided in full text in the comments section of this post.)

  • Rejection is one of Satan's favorite tools to use against God's people. He doesn't waste time inflicting us with the spirit of rejection.
  • If we allow our emotions to be filled with the spirit of rejection, we limit the favor of God and the power of God in our lives.
  • Rejection keeps us away from people, and keeps us away from God.
  • When God blesses us, he doesn't bless us an an island. He blesses us to be a blessing.
  • Children may be affected as young as in the womb. [Pregnant] women must be protected mentally, emotionally, and physically - her attitude affects both her and the child ... in the womb. Watch what you eat, what you watch, where you go.
  • People who have the spirit of rejection look for approval in the wrong places.

Points about looking for the favor of God, the blessings of God in all of the wrong places:

  • Approval [desired] from other people. The approval should come from God. Approval and acceptance seekers have a fear of rejection - they live in your opinion of them, rather than who they really are.
  • [They would] rather have your love and approval than God's.
  • [They are] addicted to approval. Approval addicts believe:
  1. If I'm accepted by others, I'll be satisfied.
  2. If I'm accepted by others, I'll be blessed.
  3. If I'm accepted by others, I'll have their favor, and their favor will give me the favor of God ... then my life will be fulfilled.
  • God is not limited by any outside approval. No experience of human approval leads to permanent satisfaction.
  • You need to look at the right face and get approval from the right place!

[With the spirit of rejection] You pay a high price.

  • [You're] vulnerable to whims and suggested opinion of those around you. (Managers need approval. Leaders want approval but don't need to have it.)
  • Others can take advantage of your vulnerability and mistreat you in every way. When folks know that they can control you, they will control you which leads to more rejection. Sometimes THEY will have the spirit or rejection, they want what you have. The arm of flesh will fail you - no matter who they are. Don't make your expectation too high. Make no provision for the flesh (not even yours!) - Phil 3:4. Nobody can take advantage of you unless you let them.

The enemy uses your fear of rejection to isolate you.

Ask yourself, "Why do I do what I do?" People with the spirit of rejection may appear to be shy, timid, may dodge close relationships - translates to "I'm afraid of being rejected." People don't connect because they'd have to open up.

Results of the spirit of rejection:

  1. No relationships
  2. No blessing and receiving from others
  3. No blessing given to others, no opportunity to give to others

More results:

  1. Rebellion
  2. Anger
  3. Bitterness
  4. Guilt
  5. Escapism
  6. Negative criticism
  7. Judgemental/critical
  8. Distrust
  9. Competitiveness
  10. Jealousy/envy

Anger unchecked will soon become depression. Depression unchecked --> bitterness. Bitterness unchecked --> inferiority. Inferiority --> escapism.

Jesus gives us good news! Luke 12:32, Matt. 7:11, Galations 3:14

* Isaiah 53:3. Nobody was rejected like HIM. No rejection you have can ever measure up to what our savior went through. (Your Holy father will re-father you.) Jesus had to endure God rejecting him because of our sins. He was rejected by the very creation that he made in their mother's wombs! Isaiah 53:5 - He was wounded for our transgressions -- our weaknesses --- rejection is a weakness. Why carry what he has already carried for you? He was rejected so that we can move out of rejection. He cried, "It's finished!" Just for you. GOOD NEWS!

  • We need to get the limits off of God so that favor can flow. He healed me before I was wounded.
  • Hebrews 4:13-16. He sees and responds. Don't let it slip. Strengthen your grip on your faith. He feels it with you. He knows exactly how you feel.
  • During the holiday season, it doesn't make a difference who leaves, He won't! Talk to yourself, "I've got a high priest!"
  • Bruised blood takes care of deep-seeded emotions - releases you from that deep feeling of rejection. (Sorrow = wound. Grief = wound. Rejection = bruise.) Bruised blood hurts for a long time. He became grief for you. He became sorrow for you. The next time you're feeling down in the dumps, feeling like murmuring and complaining, take a look at Calvary.
  • I'm blessed whether I feel like it or not.

In '09, everything will be fine!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Highlights: Sunday Nov. 30 Message, 7:45 & 10:45 services

Bishop Johnson's topic: Let Us Enter In And Possess, But Watch Your Step.

Scriptures: Hebrews 3:1-2, 12-14, 4:1-3

  • Sometimes it seems easier to stay in a rut than to let God change us.
  • Don't drift away and go back to what was in your past life.
  • Many of us are living beneath what God has called us to.
  • We often live in defeat. Living in defeat is hard work!
  • Struggle is work. Struggle in fear ... is work. Struggle in doubt work. Struggle in anxiety ... is work.
  • Do we need some "post-conversion" crisis to come to a place of rest?
  • Sometimes we need a crisis point to see how good God is.
  • Remember Hebrews 3:19 "So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief."
  • When you murmur and complain against the living God, unbelief creeps in.
  • We need each other. Be encouraged; God wants you to receive the good news -- the good news is about resting.
  • The higher the value, the higher the honor. Value the Word.
  • Mix the Word you heard with your faith.
  • Faith will counterbalance whatever you're going through, and go to a place of rest.
  • The rest of God is not cessation of activity, but it is peace within the work, it is rest within the toil.
  • Don't let what's going on take you away from the living God.
  • When you have to have it your way, and God can't have His way, you can't have His rest.
  • When your heart starts to get hard, your will is no longer stimulated by a desire for God. Your mind sets itself on selfish comfort. your emotions become fixed on easy conveniences. Your emotions become addicted to quick fixes! So watch your step.
  • Remember that delayed obedience is still disobedience.
  • The Word preached to you should not make you bitter, it should make you better.
  • Faith was the pre-requisite for entering into the rest.
  • Jesus says, Why should you carry what I've already carried? It is finished. Why should you struggle under a weight that I've already lifted? I will ease, and relieve, and refresh your soul.

Please note that these highlights do not replace the entire message. You are encouraged to get the CD or DVD for the full content.

Monday, December 1, 2008

ZipZone highlights, Bible Study Tuesday, Event Saturday!

We enjoyed seeing you and meeting you during yesterday's Zip Code Sunday! We hope that you enjoyed meeting your neighbors. For those of you who shared your needs, please know that we are praying with you, and we are looking for ways to help to meet your needs.

Special thanks to Bro. Aaron Pitts for taking pictures at 7:45 and Sis. Heretta Stansfield for photos at 10:45. We will post them soon. If anyone else has photos to share of 34/39 members (at church or from your personal collections), please send them to and we will post them to our blog!

We look forward to seeing you at the following events this week:

1. Bible Study, this Tuesday, Dec. 2, in the main sanctuary, 7:00 p.m.
We posted the link for Bishop Johnson's Bible Study Workbook below in the "Announcements from Sunday Nov. 9" message, posted Monday, Nov. 10.

2. We will visit the Upward Way Bookstore this coming Saturday, Dec. 6 at 1:00 p.m. to support Bishop Johnson at his book signing! See details below, posted on Sat. Nov. 29.
Book Title: "After You Have Suffered A While."

3. College students (undergrad and graduate students) are invited to a College Connections Fellowship Breakfast on Sunday, Dec. 7, between the 7:45 and 10:45 services in Room 2 (across from the Meditation Garden.) Mount Pleasant's college students are invited to join the MP College Connections group on FACEBOOK.

We'll see you this week. God bless you!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mount Pleasant features Kevin LeVar

Mount Pleasant has been featuring worship leader Kevin LeVar and One Sound. They have been our worship leaders for some of our recent services. Here is the video for "You Are Not Alone."

The music home for Kevin LeVar and One Sound is Habbakuk Music:
The CEO of Habbakuk Music is Mount Pleasant's own, Sis. April Washington-Essex.

LeVar appears on BET Cable Television's Bobby Jones' Gospel show, Sunday, Nov. 30, 2009.

Book signing in 34/39!! Saturday, Dec. 6. Join us!

Save the date! Saturday, Dec. 6, 2008, 1:00 p.m., We will go to the UPWARD WAY Bookstore (in the 34/39 zipzone!) to celebrate Bishop Johnson's book signing.
5648 The Alameda
Baltimore, MD 21239
(410) 464-9550

Monday, November 24, 2008

ZIPZONE Sunday -- November 30!

Special ZIPZONE SUNDAY -- SUNDAY, November 30.

Members of 34/39, all of us will sit together for each service, 7:45 and 10:45 on Sunday. Look for our sign. We will all be there to greet you! Bring guests from the neighborhood! Bring the whole family. We're looking forward to having a great time!

Please bring your cameras and send the photos to

Thanksgiving Service This week, No Bible Study Tuesday

Thanksgiving Service
This Wednesday, Nov. 26, 2008. 7 p.m.
Main Sanctuary.
We will not have Bible Study this week so that everyone can come to the Thanksgiving service.
Special musical selections!
"Meet & Greet" planned for first-time visitors.
Bring friends and family!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Bishop's assignment to us: Read Proverbs, Chapter 3

We've been given an assignment, read Proverbs 3. Here is a link:
You can also click on "Comments" beneath this post for the full text.

Announcements from Sunday, Nov. 9

Hello everyone,

Please note the following announcements:
Mount Pleasant November Newsletter:

* There is something for everyone on Friday, Nov. 21, 2008
  • Singles: Singles Fellowship & Bible Study. 7:30, Room 301.
  • Engaged/Married Couples: Marriage Ministry, 7:30. Grand Fellowship Hall
  • Teens and Young Adults: R.I.S.E. Up's "Thirsty" event. 7:30, Chapel

* The play "He Arose" originally scheduled for Nov. 22 has been postponed until Saturday, April 11. This will become part of our church's Resurrection Activities -- Good Friday, the play/dinner theater "He Arose" on Saturday, and Worship Service on Sunday.

* The Children's Ministry invites all to come out on Saturday, Dec. 6 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. to build gingerbread houses. (Cost: $10)

* Next Sunday, we have two events:

  • 10:45 service: The University of North Carolina's Voices of Eden Choir will join us.
  • 5:00 service: We will visit the "Ark of Safety Church" in PG County. If you want to ride the bus, please contact the church office by Tuesday.

* Interested in being a foster or adoptive parent? Contact Sis. Janet Allen of the Baltimore Dept. of Social Services. Other information:

* Remember Bible Study, 7 p.m., Tuesday, in the main sanctuary. "The Doctrine of Salvation"

Download your Bible Study "Study Journal" here:

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Bible Study Resumes next Tuesday

We took time out to vote on Tuesday. Our Bible Study resumes next Tuesday, Nov. 11 at 7 p.m. All have been asked to consider donating a few dollars to help with the costs of printing our Bible Study booklets.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Remembering 34/39 Member, Mother Earlene Howell

The 34/39 zipone celebrates the life of Mother Earlene Howell! Mother Howell was a long-time member of Mount Pleasant and was an active participant in the activities of the 34/39 zipzone. Our condolences go to Mother Howell's family. We will miss her, but we celebrate her life and her legacy. We rejoice that she is with the Lord.

Bishop's Series on Low Self-esteem, Oct. 19 - Nov. 2

Bishop Johnson has been delivering sermons in a series since the end of October dealing with low self-esteem.

  1. Low self-esteem paralyzes your potential
  2. Low self-esteem destroys your dreams
  3. Low self-esteem ruins your relationships
  4. Low self-esteem sabotages your favor for service.

Scriptures: Numbers 13:23-26, 30-33, I John 3:1-3.

We urge you to get the CDs for the series: October 19 - November 2.

Key -- Take your self-estimate from God.

Remember Bishop's words (from I John 3:1) "Say 'I am a champion because I am a child of God!' ... Let God love you!"

Returning to 34/39 Announcements: November activities

Greetings 34/39, We've been away from the blog for a little while, but we have many updates for you!

Upcoming events:
Weds. Nov. 26, 2008, 7 p.m.
The program will include special selections by men of all generations and a "Meet and Greet" for visitors from the community after the service.
Intercessory prayer will begin at 6:45.
The church will be raising money to provide fully cooked, hot meals to 100 families. Each meal costs $49.99. Church members are asked to contribute about $3 each. Each ministry is asked to contribute to sponsor 1-2 families.
If you have questions, please see Minister John Shearin, Deacon Glenn Finney, Deacon Richard Lewis, or Bro. Maurice Carroll.

Sunday, Nov. 30, 2008, 10:45 a.m. service
We will sit together and worship with our zipzones! 34/39 is looking forward to welcoming you!

Coming in December ...

A very special Christmas Celebration!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 7 p.m.
Mount Pleasant's Family Life Center

A wonderful program is planned, but help is needed. The church needs people who can help to build and decorate sets, move furniture, sew, etc. People will be getting together on the following dates:
Friday, Nov. 28, 12 noon - 4 p.m.
Other dates: Sat. Nov. 29, Friday, Dec. 5, Sat. Dec. 6, Mon. Dec. 8.
If you have questions, please contact: Sis. Cheryl Missouri or Bro. Anthony Barnes.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Reading Assignment from Bishop Johnson, 7/13

Psalm 78

1Give ear, O my people, to my law: incline your ears to the words of my mouth.

2I will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old:

3Which we have heard and known, and our fathers have told us.

4We will not hide them from their children, shewing to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, and his strength, and his wonderful works that he hath done.

5For he established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children:

6That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children:

7That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments:

8And might not be as their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation; a generation that set not their heart aright, and whose spirit was not stedfast with God.

9The children of Ephraim, being armed, and carrying bows, turned back in the day of battle.

10They kept not the covenant of God, and refused to walk in his law;

Friday, June 13, 2008

Thursday, May 22, 2008

34/39 Breakfast in the Park. This Saturday, May 24!

Greetings Mount Pleasant Members in the 21234 and 21239 zip codes. Yes! We are still
having our Spring 2008 21234 & 21239 Event this Saturday!

The Deacon Care Team for the 34/39 Zip Zone would like to invite all of you to a special

"Breakfast in the Park" this Saturday!

The Church's Women's Ministry is rescheduling their event, but WE, the 34/39 zipzone, are still
going to the park!

'34/39' will have breakfast in the park this Saturday, May 24, 2008.
Time: 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Location: Lake Montebello at Montebello Park in Baltimore.
(Photo credits:, and thinkstock (

Look for the 34/39 Balloons near the elementary school.

The cost is FREE!

We'll bring the breakfast food: fruit, pastries, juice, and more! We'll bring the table and some seating. Feel free to join in and bring your blankets and lawn chairs as well.
You're welcome to bring something too!

Fellowship! Join us at the park!

Directions from MPCM:
Make right onto Radecke
Turn left at Cedonia Ave. changes to Sinclair Lane
Turn right at Moravia Rd
Turn left at Walther Ave.
Turn left at Harford Rd.
Turn right at Lake Montebello Terrence
Turn left at Curran Drive
Turn left onto school parking lot, (you will see playground equipment)
Lake Montebello is surrounded by Hillen Rd (which changes to Perrring Pkwy), 33rd, Harford Rd. This entrance is off of Harford Rd.

We'll see you at the park THIS Saturday, May 24!

Friday, May 16, 2008

New words from Bible Study: Megillah & Genizah



Bible Study Homework

Bishop Johnson has been leading a wonderful series in Bible Study called "How the Bible Came to Be."

Bishop showed a video from the Creation Evidence Museum. Here is more about the museum in Texas:

Our assignments are as follows:

Read and memorize the first 15 books of the Bible. We've already worked on the first 5, and then the 2nd five, now Bishop says to work on the 3rd five.

Read and memorize the following scriptures:

2 Tim: 3: 16-17
2 Peter: 1:19-21

Full length Scriptures are provided in the comments section of this post.

Sermon Highlights: Mother's Day, 5/11/08, 7:45

Galations 3:1-29

(Continuing Principle of Equivalent Effect series, includes review.)

Abraham didn't just believe in God, he BELIEVED God ... big difference.

There are tremendous benefits in saying Yes to God.

Principle of Equivalent Effect:
Based on the unchanging nature of God.

(See 3 Benefits in 4/27 notes. Note from point #3, "Releases in us the potential of our seed" ... not just offspring, but vision.)

The weakest Christian is stronger than the staunchest muslim, jehovah's witness, or buddist.

The power of God is not released because you know a lot or because of your family tree, but because of your faith.

Christ is God's wisdom. If you need wisdom, ask God. Wisdom is the ability to see into the nature of a thing.

The richest resources of every nation is the next generation. The neglect of that generation is abuse of our future. The power of change is in the presnet. God always goes after the see with the fruit. In every seed, there's not just an oak tree, there's a forest of trees.

Protect the promise of God in your life because the devil is after your seed.
God is a generational God whose promise to a specific man or woman is often to be fulfilled in their succeeding generation.

Psalm 112:1-3 (v. 2, the generation of the upright shall be blessed.) He wants us to protect the way.
You don't need to wear a cross around your neck, you just need to live skillfully.

In addition to Pastor Johnson's sermon, special Mother's Day Remarks were given by Sisters Jackie Ladd and Tanyai Cato.

Semon highlights: 4/27/08. The Benefits of Saying Yes to God

Galations 3:1-29

No matter what your ethnic background, you have to be a part of the seed in order to be a recipient of the promise; and it 's not by works, it's by faith.

When you have a relationship, you're healthy.

Once you miss the mark, you've missed the bull's eye.

The enemy works the hardest on me when it's time to go to another place.

Strategy: simply say "YES" to God whether I'm standing or not, whether you're feeling it or not.

In every seed, there is not just a tree, there's a forest.

There's a difference between believing in God, and believing God. Believe God, take HIM at His word.

Matthew 4:4 " ... proceedeth..." (But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.)

Key: Whatever he said, he's STILL saying.

The Principle of Equivalent Effect

Based on the the unchanging nature of God, states that every believer can and should experience the same effect that Word had on the original hearers who first received the Word.

The moment we say Yes to Him = the moment He begins to operate.

Remember, Abraham still had to make it to the top of the mountain.
Still say yes, don't get weary.

If you're in a spot right now, God wants to know how long you're going to stand on your "yes!"

3 Benefits
Our faith obedience
  1. releases the power of God (Acts 3:12) (People didn't do it, God did it)
  2. releases the wisdom of God (1 Cor 1:30-31, James 1:5-6) (You have to be broken in your soul man for wisdom to come out.)
  3. releases us to release the potential in our seed, to release the power to conquer Satan and all of his designs.
HE saved you so that a righteous line can start in your life.

[Full length scripture references are posted in the comments section of this post.]

Semon Highlights: 4/20/08. 7:45

Phil 2: 12-15

It's important to recognize the necessity of staying connected to HIM.

You need to be in communion with HIM, you need to stay connected to HIM, like you're talking to your best friend.

After you talk to HIM, wait long enough for HIM to talk back.

Pray without ceasing - you don't need to be in a closet; you need to have an attitude of prayer at all times.

Eternal life, not a gift FROM God, eternal life is a gift OF God. He gives you himself.

The Holy Spirit is already in you, the enemy wants you to believe HE's (Holy Spirit) ... HE is already in you.

I John 5: 1-14

The union between Jesus and His disciples is not an external arrangement - it is intentional.

You are a spirit. the body may go down, but the spirit still responds.

As HE is, so are we in this world (I John 3:1-3)

What's in a name?
The questions are:
  1. Who is the person's father? ( Jesus' father is "The I AM")
  2. Where is this person from? (Jesus is from Heaven)
  3. What does this person do? (Jesus does whatever is according to HIS will)
  4. What is his most prominent feature? (Jesus is God, He lives in me.)
(Remember, Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life ..." ( John 14:6))

For all that a name implies -- authority, character, (rank), majesty/royalty, power* , excellence;
of everything a name covers (authority - John 14), you have authority! You have Jesus in you! You have THE life. Some have more confidence in men, in textbooks, than in THE book. Read John 14. [The whole chapter is presented in the comments section of this post.]

* The flesh is weak, but there's power in the spirit. While you're going through, He's developing His character in you. All of my failures and my mes-ups are working together for my good. Nothing is able to separate me.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Prayer Request: For Mother Mattie Swinton

MESSAGE FROM 34/39 Member and Ambassador, Bro. Floyd Brice:

Let us remember in our prayers, Mother Mattie Swinton. For those who do not know, Sister Swinton is a long time member of the Ambassador Ministry. She had served for many, many years. If the Lord say so, she will be 92 years young in October.

At the end of our 10:45 AM service, our Bishop requested that we pray for her. My wife and I visited and had prayer with her on Monday. She was so happy to see us.

Let us not forget those who paved the way and build the bridge for us in this ministry. This is a true solider for the Lord.

As of this writing, you can contact her at:
Overlea Health And Rehabilitation Center6116 Belair RoadBaltimore, MD 21206

Mother Swinton and I are members of 34/39 Deacon Care.

Thank you, Ambassadors for your prayers to brighten a mother's heart.


Being Blessed is Good...Being Highly Favored is Best... Don't Settle For Just Being Blessed...Stay Highly Favored.

NOTE: Deacon Barry and Sister Sharon Moore (34/39 Team Leaders) also visited Mother Swinton in April and will visit again this week.

34/39, please keep Mother Swinton in your prayers.

Semon Highlights. 4/6/08. The Right to Use His Name

John 15: 5-7, Luke, Phil 2:9-13, 1 John 5: 12-15
Zoe life , the "God quality" of life, not psuche life (just aware of stuff.) Know -- experientially, not guessing.

Luke 10:19
Use authority. Jesus has given you authority over all power of the enemy.

Baptism - complete immersion, come up to live a new life.

John 15:5. Key: Without ME, you can do nothing.
John 15:7. What gives you the right? Jesus gave us the right.
John 15:9. Jesus in His humanity, abided in His father's love.

Obey. To flow (commands or guidance, to conform or comply with). To keep --> to preserve, maintain, abide. Abide: in dwell, occupy.

John 15:16. Remain. Stay, abide, continue throughout without interruption.
He'll hold you when it gets tough, we need to remain - Romans 8:28. What does it mean to remain? The thing that must be recovered is the fervent prayer in the Name of Jesus.

It means: To accept Jesus as savior (John 6: 54-56); persevere in believing; continuing, loving obedience. Remember, He will not leave you comfortless. When you're in love with the man Jesus, then you will be able to imitate everything He did, and you can see that what God requires of us is possible! It is possible, not by might, but by my spirit, says the Lord. Your extremity is God's opportunity.

The Lord is good. He knows everybody who trusts Him. He puts my sin in the sea of forgetfulness. Have you thought about how good God has been to you?

If you continue in my Word, then you are my disciples indeed.

The Union. The union between Jesus and His disciples is not an external arrangement. It is intentional. It is personal (The least we can do is have His back.) How much time have you spent in His love letter to you so that you can remain in His love for you? Though He slay me, yet, will I trust Him. It's personal, It's up close.

An awesome, yet tender reality. This love is not vague. He loves me unconditionally, not based on what I can be.
  • It is not a sentimental feeling
  • It is a tough reality
  • It is always revealed in obedience
Whatever is going on with you, you need to know that it's not just you, it's us.
The harder it gets, the sweeter the joy. You have been chosen, before the foundation of the world, you've been chosen. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have ordained you and prepared you for the job. When you ask in My Name ... He will give it to you. Our obedience is the proof of our love for Christ. The same way I love you ... love others.
Love --> Obey --> Abide --> Remain ... THEN use My Name. When you remain in Him, you remain in His love. Live in what God designed for you here, it starts with coming to know Him.

The Union. The union between J

Sermon Highlights: 3/23/08 - The Superiority of the Gospel Because of the Resurrection

Bishop Johnson started by saying "I was going to say we have happiness, but we have joy. Joy does not depend on happenings."

Gal 2:19-21

The Gospel is real because it started with God. It didn't come by man, didn't come by the will of man, didn't come by the blood of man.

The Gospel is:
  • Superior to the law
  • Superior to the flesh
  • Superior to the devil
The Gospel is so powerful until the gospel sets free.

We need to sign a spiritual death warrant to our tendency and inclination to sin. We need to have a funeral for you. I must give up my right to me. I need to die to what was and live in what is.

We try hard to be Christians. Stop trying - train wisely!

I am identified with Christ, I am crucified with Christ. What He did at Calvary, He works into the fabric of my life.

Romans 6:3.

He puts the God-quality of life in me, and it's up to me to work it out of me. But you have to make that come out. He worked it in, now you work it out.

Romans 6:4-5, Eph 4:4-10. Verse 9 has 3 views:
  1. Incarnation of Christ (Jesus came and lived.)
  2. He descended into Hades (death and resurrection)
  3. Death and burial (in a tomb)
Part 2: Rev. 1:18, I am He that liveth, was dead, and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and death.

(Note: "I am" = God)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Bible Study with Bishop, Tuesdays!

The entire church has Bible Study with Bishop every Tuesday (except the Tuesday after first Sunday) from now until May 20. Topic: How We Got Our Bible.
Dinner is served at 6 p.m. (cost $6)

Sermon Highlights, Sunday, 3/16/08

Transformation and change do not occur because you try harder, it happens because you train wisely.

Scriptural texts: John 14:12-16, Phil 2:13, John 15:5-7, Luke 10:19

Rejoice in the fact that your name is written.
"The Staggering Promise" --> John 15:5, John 15:7
Words unlock access to the privilege and right to use His name: love, obey, abide.
Love obeys, then love abides. Proof that you love me (Christ) is when you obey.

A lot of people allow people to be their savior, but won't let HIM be their God.

Keep: Conform to habits of conduct, to stay in accord with, preserve, maintain.

Remain: Accept Jesus as your savior, continue or persevere in believing, believing/loving obedience.

Loving Jesus will cause you to abide, abiding will cause you to obey.

The union between Jesus and his disciples in intentional, it is personal.

He never sends us into the world to accomplish His mission unarmed, ill-equipped.

Sometimes I can't track Him, but I have to love and trust His heart.

He loves me, with all of my mess, He still loves me.

This love is not vague. He says "when you remain in me, I will give you MY joy." The closer you get to difficulty, the greater the joy. Joy will grow in power and in depth by their obedience. The obedience will magnify your power. More difficulty = opportunity to exercise faith, and train. There's POWER in the name of Jesus! The closer you get to Jesus, the more powerful you become.

How's your love live?
Strong enough to obey?
Love Him enough to abide?
Love Him enough to remain?

Assignment: Read: Phil, chapters 1 & 2;
Read: John, chapters 14 & 15.

Sermon Highlights, Sunday 3/9/08, 7:45 & 10:45

7:45 Service, Min. Scott Washington

"Jesus Christ: The Portrait of a Servant"

Love + Obey + Abide + Remain = Servanthood
Phil 2:1-13
  • What is the mind of a servant?
    • He's humble, he puts himself under authority
    • He's selfless, he's secure
    • The mind of a servant is love.
  • What is the measure of a servant?
    • A servant will obey no matter how much it costs him.
  • What is the mark of a servant?
    • The reward is the ability to abide.
  • What is the benefit of a servant?
    • Our responsibility is to remain.
Our responsibility is to follow God's example. Allow him to live his life through you.

10:45 Service, Min. John Sherrin

Phil 4:4, 11

"I'm good, God's got me."

One of the best tricks of the devil = to make us think that we need something that we already have.

Remember Bishop Johnson's words: "Don't try ... train."
Trying, 9 times out of 10 doesn't get you anywhere. We need to train ourselves.

1) Learn that we have everything that we need (Phil 4:19)
2) Trust - even though there are things that we want ... if God doesn't release it to us, he doesn't want us to have it yet.

We can't put our reliance, our confidence in ourselves. We must rely on on God.

I can honor God in my getting and
I can honor God when He says "no."

It's about trusting God and putting your complete confidence in God.

"If God hasn't given it to me, I don't need it."

Remember the wristbands (from the youth conference) - "Will you B T C?" (be the church.)

Be intentional -- Live for God on purpose.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Foreclosure Intervention - Information for MPCM Members

By request of the Deacons, Sis. Cassandra Ferguson has shared the following information with all MPCM Deaconcare groups.





First let’s overcome Fear, the devil lies – “False Evidence Appearing Real” Psalm 18: 28-39 Now you no longer fear but you Trust “ The Righteous Unleash Supernatural Truth”.

Now let’s ask God for Wisdom - for the Lord giveth wisdom: out of his month cometh Knowledge and understanding . He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous : he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly. Proverbs 2:6,7

Listen for God’s divine instructions – That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; Colossians 1:10

DON’T STOP TITHING!!!! Grace will abound towards you. 2 Corinthians 9:8

We know we have to change the way we view the situation. Life happens!
The BENEFITS of owning a home are financial, social (especially for children), it is just a great asset. It’s better than the stock market.

  • Delinquency-Payment is “past due”
  • Default- Violation of mortgage contract; often=”seriously delinquent”
  • Foreclosure- A legal filing to take a property
  • REO-”Real Estate Owned”-lender’s inventory of foreclosed assets

The foreclosures rate started to increase in 1986
Why Foreclosure?
  • ARM-Adjustable Rate Mortgage mortgages outside the box(People experience payment shocks)
  • House values have decreased, so they can’t refinance
  • Sub prime Market- risky loans 1 in 5 loans are sub prime
  • Lack of knowledge, and less ability to manage payment shocks
  • Property condition and location
  • Job loss, death in the family, disability

HELP! What are my options!

Retention options:
  1. Special Forbearance-a period of suspended or reduce payments; prevent delinquent reporting of the loan to the credit bureaus and late fees.
  2. Repayment plan-Past due amount is divided and added to the regular monthly payment for an extended amount of time to bring loan current, this can be for 6-24 months.
  3. Modification-Loan is brought to a current status by adjusting one of the three: Increasing principal balance by adding the past due; extending the term of the loan or reducing the interest rate.
  4. Partial claim (FHA ONLY)- Loan is brought current up to 12 months.
  5. Short sale-An approved sale of the property to an unrelated borrower.
  6. Deed-in-lieu-The property is voluntarily given to investor sometimes this will prevent a foreclosure from appearing on your credit.

PMI Companies- If you pay private mortgage insurance on your loan, see if they can help.
Borrower’s protection plan-if borrower is unemployed it pays for your mortgage.

Waiting for your financial package to come will sometimes take 30 days, send back quickly.

If you can’t get help from the customer service representative call the VP office.

Helpful numbers and websites
Military- 1-877-AT-EASE-1

Knowledge without power to express the life within is of little value. The more programmatic the focus, the less emphasis we place on building deep and caring relationships that result in changed lives. O’s Hillman TGIF

Provided to MPCM by:

Cassandra Ferguson
Net Branch Owner
Purchase Money
Refinance Debt Consolidation
Foreclosure Prevention Specialist
Commercial Financing for Businesses & Churches

Priority Financial Services
The Ferguson Team
BEL AIR , MD 21014

Fax# 410-638-8771

"The task before you is not as great as the power behind you "
Psalms 121:2 My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth.

Monday, March 24, 2008

All Married & Engaged Couples: Couple's Night Out - Friday, 3/28

Come on out to:

Mount Pleasant Marriage Ministry's
"Couple's Night Out"

Friday, March 28, 2008
7:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Mount Pleasant's Grand Fellowship Hall

--> Strengthening Marriages using Biblical Principles to make Good Marriages Great Marriages to Glorify God!

--> Open house, games, socialization, discussions for married couples, music, and snacks!!!

Mount Pleasant Church and Ministries
6000 Radecke Ave. Baltimore, MD 21206
Bishop Clifford M. Johnson, Jr., Senior Pastor

Bible Study with Bishop - Tuesday, March 25

All are invited to attend a special Bible Study this Tuesday night, March 25. Bishop Johnson will be our teacher. Subject: HOW THE BIBLE CAME TO BE.
We will not separate into classes (e.g. Men's class, Women's class), we will all be together for this special night of learning!

Dinner will be served from 6-7 p.m. (Nominal cost)
Bible Study will begin at 7 p.m.

We'll look forward to seeing you there!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Sermon Highlights: Sun. March 2, 2008, 7:45. "The Right to Use His Name, Pt. II"

Scriptural Texts: Luke 10: 19-20, John 14:12-14, John 15:7-11, 16

KEY: What must be recovered in this day is fervent, believing, prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

Phil 2:9-11
You have to grab for yourself what HE has already purchased for you. You ought to "strengthen your grip!" (Phrase ref: Charles Swindoll.)

Luke 10:19-20 (Get this in your spirit!)

19Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

20Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.

* I ought to really rejoice in my relationship with HIM!

* The greatest miracle you can have in your life is your salvation.

*When I was going my own way, He still loved me. He wasn't lost, He found me.

* I won't rejoice in being able to take care of scorpions, I will rejoice that Jesus is the joy of my salvation.

* I'm not opposed to prosperity, but that should not be our priority.

* Jesus has given you authority over the enemy. Jesus purchased the authority with His own blood. Jesus obeyed perfectly in our place, now we must behave perfectly in His place.

* John 15:7 " ... My words abide in you ..." John 15:9, 10, 14: The words "love", "obey", and "abide", unlock access to this privilege. John 15:14 -- We are Christ's friend if we do what He says.

*ABIDE = OBEY (Definition: Follow commands or guidance, conform of submit to the restraint or command of authority, comply with, submit to the will of another. )

Love ---> Obey ---> Abide ---> Remain

* Proof that you love Him is how you obey Him.

* John 15:16. Remain = stay , abide, continue throughout without interruption.

* 1 John 1:9. I'm glad that He is a forgiving God.

* Obey, love me, remain ... THEN use my name. [Jesus]

* Jesus said pick up your cross and follow. Your kids, spouse, etc. are not your cross, YOU are your cross.


What does it mean to REMAIN?

  1. To accept Jesus (first). (John 6:54, 56)
  2. Continue to persevere in believing. (John 8:31)
  3. It can also mean believing, loving obedience. (John 15:9-10)
* Love and joy connect (in union.)

*Jesus defines a triad of love: Jesus, God, Disciples.

* Love is a decision, it's not a feeling. It's not external, it's internal.

* Remaining in Jesus ... sometimes it's sporadic, but as you do it more and more, it becomes less sporadic.

Proof that you love Him is obeying Him.

Keep our 34/39 sick, healing, and shut-ins in prayer

Please continue to pray for and love on our 34/39 members who are sick, healing, or shut-in.

  • It was good to see Sis. Burline Danzler in church Sunday following the Homegoing of her mother and surgery on her wrist. Sis. Danzler still has a cast, please keep her in prayer.
  • Mother Mary Washington, mother of Min. Scott Washington and fellow 34/39 member Sis. Georgette Washington, is healing from her foot injuries.
  • Bro. Henry and Sis. Mae Edward have returned to church, it's good to see them back in the 2nd row!
  • Sis. Lottie Wright has returned to church after the passing of her loved one.
  • See your Ministry Update (Church Newsletter) for a list of our 34/39 shut-in members:
    • At Home:
      • Mother Catherine Peay
      • Mother Mary H. Davis
    • In the Nursing Home:
      • Mother Mary M. Davis
      • Sis. Thelma Parker
      • Sis. Rosa Burton
Continue to remember our 34/39 members who experienced death in the family over the past few months: Sis. Leazer, Sis. Clash, and Sis. Shelly White (passing of her sister.) 34/39 member Sis. Sherian Kelly continues to heal from her hospitalization and displacement from her home which caught fire. Her thank you is posted below.

Thank you Message from 34/39 Member Sis. Sherian Kelly

Following her illness and house fire, 34/39 Member Sis. Sherian Kelly says "Thank you!" She also sends words of encouragement to US from God's Word:

Colossians 1:9-11 (King James Version)

9For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;

10That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;

11Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness;

Nahum 1:7 (King James Version)

7The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.

Sermon Highlights, Sun. 2/24/08. 7:45. "I Have the Right to Use His Name"

Scriptural Texts: John 15:1-16, Phil 2:7-13

* Training is better than trying. Train wisely; you can live skillfully.

* I have the right to use His name (John 15:16).

* Jesus had to make choices as a human being; He obeyed His father perfectly in his death, his burial, and his resurrection.

* Q: Why didn't Jesus take care of Satan at Calvary? A: He was not acting on His own behalf.
Jesus became the ramification of sin. He died so I can live.

* Accept as our own what Jesus has done for us ... you've got to see YOU hanging on that cross and understand the wrath of God.

* REMEMBER: Greater is HE that is in you , than he who is in the world.

* Jesus had the right to give authority because He paid for it with His life and with His blood. (John 10:10, John 10:19)

* Luke 10:19 --> Don't rejoice because you're rebuking the devil, you can take glory for yourself. Rejoice because you have a relationship with God and your name is in the Book of Life.

* Obedience keeps the authority in tact.

* God was trying to keep Adam and Eve from the knowledge of evil . All you need to know is my [God's ] goodness.

* When you're disobedient, you become disconnected.

ABIDING means "I'll make my home in you."
  1. LOVE
  3. ABIDE
If you LOVE, you'll OBEY. If you're OBEYING, you have to be ABIDING.

* Jesus gave us authority to use the name His Daddy gave Him!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Coming Soon: Women of Faith Conference trip to DC, July 11-12

Women of Faith Conference.

The Women of MPCM will be attending the Women of Faith Conference for women of all ages. July 11-12 at the Verizon Center in Washington, DC. Sign-up will be in the Narthex after services.

Sermon Highlights: Sun. Feb. 17, 2008, 7:45 & 10:45


Scriptural references: John 15: 1-7, 8-9, 10-16, end at verse 17.

[Bishop's Note: The promises of God are not affected by things around us (e.g. the economy!)]
He's able to make ends meet. They might not overlap, but they will meet.

* We try to use our unsanctified common sense to get us out of situations that only God can help with.
*Every conception should have a formation.

* In every place where you and I are tempted, Jesus was tempted.

* Jesus was our substitute (death, burial, and resurrection.)

* Q: Have you ever wondered why He didn't stop the evil one? A: e was acting on our behalf. He died for us, not for himself.

Things we must do:
  • We must accept as our own what has been done for us.
  • We must step in and take full possession.
  • Realize it was ours originally.
  • Know that Jesus won't take it back.
Note: John 15: 1-7, the word "ABIDE" shows up 8 times in 6 verses. Abide means to indwell, reside in, inhabit, occupy, stay in.

* A Love relationship makes me abide.

* Note that God wants His Words to abide in us.

* When you're in a difficult place, obey. If you're in a difficult place, educate your faith. God did not give us the spirit of fear.


* If people around you don't want to be radically obedient, don't hang with them.

* God says "Don't fear, don't be terrorized, I'm with you. I will harden you against this difficulty."

* Obedience and abiding carry it the promise of answered prayer.
Note: You don't tell God how to answer or who to answer through.

  • Abiding gives you clarity!
  • Abiding gives you confidence and authority!
  • Abiding gives you patience!
Remember, you have to abide first (John 15:7).

*Whatever word He speaks, you can then "will" it -- not wish it. Know the Word, then you can will it.

*When the difficulty gets tight, you get strengthened with might, when you use the name.

* You shouldn't wait for tragedy to happen before you know Jesus.

* The Word of God supercedes your culture.

* Step into it ... FULL POSSESSION!

Closing comment: Everyone say ask the Lord to "Take from me any inclination to think of saying: I can't, if only, I'll never, or it's a problem."

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Prayer Requests for 34/39 Members who are healing or have loss

Please continue to pray for the following 34/39 members:

  • Sis. Burline Danzler on the passing of her mother (services are this morning.)
  • Sis. Sherian Kelly is home from the hospital and under doctor's care.
  • Mother Mary Washington is home from the hospital; her foot is healing
  • Sis. Dorene Leazer on the passing of her brother last month.
  • Sis. Shirley Clash on the passing of her mother.
  • Bro. Henry & Sis. Mae Edward (back in church and continuing to heal.)
  • Our shut-ins:
    • Mother Catherine Peay
    • Mother Mary H. Davis
    • Mother Mary M. Davis
    • Sis. Thelma Parker
    • Sis. Rosa Burton

Monday, February 18, 2008

Food Delivery -- help needed

All hands on deck!

The Silver Saints expect a food delivery on Wednesday February 27th. We need every able bodied man ( women too) to assist in distribution of the food products to our Silver Saints. Not only is a little work involved, but a good time of fellowship with the saints! Delivery is normally in the morning (9:00 -10:00) and distribution takes only an hour or so. Please come and help us with this project. This request is being made on behalf of Sister Mozell Fields and the Silver Saints Ministry.

See You There!

Condolences for 34/39 Member Sis. Burline Danzler

We are in prayer for Sis. Burline Danzler on the passing of her mother. Services will be held at Mount Pleasant on Tues. 2/19, viewing begins at 10:30.

JOBS available! Respond before March 15

Unemployment among members of Mount Pleasant can end now! NEARLY EVERY ADULT CAN HAVE A JOB. M. Gibbs & Company announces jobs available for all. Be a driver or an aide (and mentor to youth!) for buses in the Baltimore City School System. $10/hour for aides, $16/hour for drivers. M. Gibbs & Co. will talk to you about training, physicals, and the background check. There are no limits to the numbers that can be hired! Call today, 410-558-0880. All drivers and aides must be hired by March 15, so please plan to be involved now.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sermon Highlights: Feb. 11, 2008, 7:45 & 10:45

7:45: Minister Clifford M. Johnson III:

Scriptural Text: John 2: 1- 11
"Steps to a Miracle (Just Do it!)"

  1. In order to receive your miracle, the first thing you need to do is invite Jesus (see V. 2)
  2. Pray without ceasing - this is a form of talking to Jesus (V. 3) . [Note: there were no demands, just a statement about an observation, no one tried to tell Him how to do it.]
  3. Obey without ceasing. When He talks back to you, obey.
    1. Don't delay, obey!
    2. If you question and doubt, you will miss out!
    3. When you doubt, Jesus can't bring you out!
Note: Matt 13:58, Jesus did not do many miracles there because of their unbelief.


10:45: Minister John Sherrin:
Scriptural Text: I Thess. 2:1-6, Acts 9:1-5, 10-20
"Holy Boldness"

  • You can't be bold for something that yhou have no knowledge of; you can't be bold for someone that you don't know.
  • I wouldn't let anyone or anything distract me from getting to know a God that I say I love.
  • There is a confidence that comes when you are doing exactly what God has called you to do and be.
  • Boldness is born out of confidence and understanding.
  • Be confident; know who you are in Christ. Get an understanding of the Word for yourself.
  • Young people ... you set the standard! (Example: Noah had to stand alone.)
  • God has a purpose for everyone here.
  • Dare to walk in holy boldness and watch God work in and through your life.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tues. Feb. 12 activities @ MPCM postponed (e.g. Bible Study)

Hello 34/39 and friends,

Our Tuesday activities (e.g. Bible Study) have been postponed and will not occur tonight due to a water main break and icy conditions.

Quick notes: 7:45/10:45 sermons, Feb. 3, 2008. Don't Worry!

2nd Tim 1:7, Phil 4:4-7, Matt 6:25

Q: What does God expect?
A: Matt 22:37

Worry is not the will of God for the child of God. Phil 4:6

Q: How did we begin?
A: James 4:7

Never let a truth of God that has been brought into your life pass without acting on it. If you hear it, act on it. The weakest saint who transacts business with Jesus Christ is free once he acts. Notice I didn't say when you "feel" ... when you "act."

Whatever the stronghold there is a wonderful invitation to cast it on HIM. Have no confidence in the flesh, the flesh will fail you.

Do not be anxious. (Matt 6)

The battle is not outside, it's in your mind.

When you cast it, you draw nigh to God and He draws nigh to you and you can't go back and get that thing! There's a hiding place in the word of God. There is no failure in God.
NOTE: Review the six problems with worry from 1/27 sermon (listed below).

Monday, February 4, 2008

Special Job Opp announced Sunday, FAA

From the Sunday Announcements:

The FAA is hiring and training to build up its numbers of Air Traffic Controllers.

Here are some links:

All jobs:

For more information, call the church office.

UPDATE For Red Dress Sunday: Men are asked to join the campaign for awareness of heart disease by wearing red ties.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Short announcements: Red Dress, Health!, Ark Church, Bible Study

Photos show some of our 34/39 Members with friends at Men's and Women's Bible Study!

Bible Study is held every Tuesday night at 7 p.m. except for the Tuesday after the first Sunday of the month. Men's Bible Study - NEW LOCATION - Multipurpose Room. Women's Bible Study - Grand Fellowship Hall. Stop by the MPCM Administrative office to find locations for the children's classes.

Remember Red Dress Sunday, Feb. 10. Wear something red to raise awareness of heart disease in the community. Page down to one of the earlier posts for more details. Following 7:45 and 10:45 services on 2/10, FREE blood pressure screenings will be conducted.

Ladies (all zip zones!) Are you interested in getting together to do something related to maintaining good health? The Ladies of the Women's Bible Study are getting together to do something - work together to develop healthy lifestyles. The first short meeting (15-20 minutes) will be held after the next Women's Bible Study in the Grand Fellowship Hall, 2/12. See Sisters Hazel Teal or Lisa Nesmith for details.

Save the date; mark your calendars: MPCM is joining the ARK CHURCH for worship on Wednesday night, Feb. 27. Bishop is asking all ministries to be present. All members, please plan to attend. Ark Church address and directions:

1/27/08 10:45 Service - Highlights. TOPIC: WORRY!; 5:00 service: "Cross-training ..."

At the 10:45 service, Bishop Johnson reminded us not to worry. Please be sure to get the CD/DVD for the full version of this life-changing message!
Scriptural Text: Matthew Chapter 6.

  1. It keeps you from enjoying what you already have.
  2. It makes you forget your value; it makes you forget your worth.
  3. Worry is a complete waste of energy, a complete waste of time.
  4. Worry erases the promises of God from your mind.
  5. Worry is a characteristic of non-believers.
  6. It makes you assume responsibilities that don't belong to you.
I Pet. 5:7. Cast the care (stronghold) on Jesus. Even the residual. Don't cast it and hold it, because then He can't take it. Cast it AWAY from you, like bait on a fisherman's hook.
5:00 p.m. Baptismal Service
Speaker: Min. Lionel Harris: Cross-Training for Discipleship
Key: you have to CHOOSE to love, not just to our brothers, friends, spouses. Love all -- Choose!
Scriptures: John 13:34-35, Lev 19:18, John 3:16, 1 John 4:8, 4:16
Proverbs 10:12, I Pet 4:8, Romans 5:8, John 14:15

Condolences to 34/39 Member Dorene Leazer

Message from 34/39 Member and MPCM Ambassador (Usher Ministry) , Floyd Brice:

"Let us remember our very own Dorene Leazer and her family in prayer. Her brother, Reginald Hawkins passed away on last week.
Visitation of the remains will be held at the Vaughn C. Greene Funeral Home, 4905 York Road , 410.775.5084 on Friday, February 1st from 4:00 PM until 8:00 PM.
Christian wake will be held at The Pennsylvania Ave. AME Zion Church located 1128 Pennsylvania Avenue, 410-728-7416. on Saturday, February 2nd @ 10:00 AM. Funeral service will follow @ 10:30 AM."

Sis. Dorene Leazer lives in the 34/39 ZipZone.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sermon Notes - Highlights, Jan. 27, 7:45 service: "The Luciferian Attitude, Pt. 2"

Please note that these highlights are neither a substitute for attending services nor getting the CD/DVD for Bishop Johnson's full content. These notes serve as a supplement for your home study during the week. ALL NOTES ARE HIGHLIGHTS OF BISHOP JOHNSON'S EXACT WORDS. THESE NOTES ARE NOT PARAPHRASED.

"FIRST" (definition) - A basic essential affecting the foundation of something. God is #1 in a series. God is defined as:
  • The first person
  • Existing before time.
The Foundation
People try to build a life with no foundation. Scriptures: Matt 7:24, Matt 7:21-19.
People can be religious, in love with the notion of God and Jesus, aware of Him, but not really know God.

Teaching about Jesus -- Motivates you.
Teaching Jesus -- Changes you.

You need a firm foundation because the storms of life are certain. If I never had a storm, I wouldn't know how to trust Him, I wouldn't know how to take Him at His word.

I don't just want to have favor, I want to live in favor.

Some things come my way and shake me, but my foundation is firm.

Jesus says "There is a person who does not understand skill for living." Matt: 7: 26-27.

Wise vs Foolish:
Wise: digs deep, takes time to build
Foolish: wants everything easy, doesn't feel a sense of responsibility
Both: Storms will come
(Foolish: Foundation may look good, but can't stand up to the storm.)

Jesus didn't say it wouldn't be hard. He said that he would be with you through it.

A contractor cannot go successfully beyond his first mistake. The question is not if it will fall, the question is when.

God's intention for Adam and Eve: was not tempt them, it was to remind them the HE is LORD.

Lucifer took the desire of the heart and twisted it. He will skew it.

If you missed the game by 1 point, you still lost.

God wanted to keep them from evil, and from what did not belong to them. Because only God knows how to deal with evil effectively.

Scriptures: Isaiah 14:12-14, Ezekial 28:11-19, Luke 10:18

Lucifer had a will of his own. Lucifer wants to distract you. The Devil can't do anything with you until you think it!

Think Holy Thoughts!
Say: "The blood of JESUS is against you NOW!"

The curse came because Adam & Eve neglected to put GOD AND HIS COMMANDS FIRST.

Some of us are so concerned with our "rightness" that we mess up our righteousness with God. God will never tell you to do something that is outside of His will.

We are in a Luciferian attitude if challenge God's authority.
--> Christian by confession, but carrying a Luciferian spirit.
--> You don't have to be demon-possessed to have a Luciferian attitude.
--> You can be in it before you realize you're there.

Say: "I'd rather be in the dark with Jesus, than in the light with Satan."

Luciferian Attitude: manifested in attitude/mindset that puts itself above God.
Proverbs 3:1-9 (v. 5) We get in trouble because we trust ourselves.
Do not rely on your own understanding.
In all your ways, acknowledge Him!
When you're up, when you're down
When it's easy, when it's hard
Make Him first, He'll cover the rest.