John 15: 5-7, Luke, Phil 2:9-13, 1 John 5: 12-15
Zoe life , the "God quality" of life, not psuche life (just aware of stuff.) Know -- experientially, not guessing.
Luke 10:19
Use authority. Jesus has given you authority over all power of the enemy.
Baptism - complete immersion, come up to live a new life.
John 15:5. Key: Without ME, you can do nothing.
John 15:7. What gives you the right? Jesus gave us the right.
John 15:9. Jesus in His humanity, abided in His father's love.
Obey. To flow (commands or guidance, to conform or comply with). To keep --> to preserve, maintain, abide. Abide: in dwell, occupy.
John 15:16. Remain. Stay, abide, continue throughout without interruption.
He'll hold you when it gets tough, we need to remain - Romans 8:28. What does it mean to remain? The thing that must be recovered is the fervent prayer in the Name of Jesus.
It means: To accept Jesus as savior (John 6: 54-56); persevere in believing; continuing, loving obedience. Remember, He will not leave you comfortless. When you're in love with the man Jesus, then you will be able to imitate everything He did, and you can see that what God requires of us is possible! It is possible, not by might, but by my spirit, says the Lord. Your extremity is God's opportunity.
The Lord is good. He knows everybody who trusts Him. He puts my sin in the sea of forgetfulness. Have you thought about how good God has been to you?
If you continue in my Word, then you are my disciples indeed.
The Union. The union between Jesus and His disciples is not an external arrangement. It is intentional. It is personal (The least we can do is have His back.) How much time have you spent in His love letter to you so that you can remain in His love for you? Though He slay me, yet, will I trust Him. It's personal, It's up close.
An awesome, yet tender reality. This love is not vague. He loves me unconditionally, not based on what I can be.
- It is not a sentimental feeling
- It is a tough reality
- It is always revealed in obedience
Whatever is going on with you, you need to know that it's not just you, it's us.
The harder it gets, the sweeter the joy. You have been chosen, before the foundation of the world, you've been chosen. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have ordained you and prepared you for the job. When you ask in My Name ... He will give it to you. Our obedience is the proof of our love for Christ. The same way I love you ... love others.
Love --> Obey --> Abide --> Remain ... THEN use My Name. When you remain in Him, you remain in His love. Live in what God designed for you here, it starts with coming to know Him.
The Union. The union between J