Mount Pleasant (Baltimore) 34/39 Deacon Care Family Ministry

Welcome to the online home of the Deacon Care Family Ministry for the 21234 and 21239 zip codes of Mount Pleasant Church and Ministries, Baltimore, Maryland. We are better known as the "34/39 Zip Zone!"

The Mount Pleasant members of 21234 and 21239 have joined together for a number of activities. Sunday breakfast at church, a Saturday breakfast and walk in the park, Sunday dinner, Meet and Greet after service, and a Resource Center Fellowship. Page down for the latest information, then enjoy the photo slideshow at the bottom of the page.

Blog Posts & Messages

Our blog posts begin here. We add both announcements and notices that are specific to 34/39 members and to Mount Pleasant's members at large. We try to update this site several times each month. We welcome your posts in the comment sections.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

34/39 Breakfast in the Park. This Saturday, May 24!

Greetings Mount Pleasant Members in the 21234 and 21239 zip codes. Yes! We are still
having our Spring 2008 21234 & 21239 Event this Saturday!

The Deacon Care Team for the 34/39 Zip Zone would like to invite all of you to a special

"Breakfast in the Park" this Saturday!

The Church's Women's Ministry is rescheduling their event, but WE, the 34/39 zipzone, are still
going to the park!

'34/39' will have breakfast in the park this Saturday, May 24, 2008.
Time: 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Location: Lake Montebello at Montebello Park in Baltimore.
(Photo credits:, and thinkstock (

Look for the 34/39 Balloons near the elementary school.

The cost is FREE!

We'll bring the breakfast food: fruit, pastries, juice, and more! We'll bring the table and some seating. Feel free to join in and bring your blankets and lawn chairs as well.
You're welcome to bring something too!

Fellowship! Join us at the park!

Directions from MPCM:
Make right onto Radecke
Turn left at Cedonia Ave. changes to Sinclair Lane
Turn right at Moravia Rd
Turn left at Walther Ave.
Turn left at Harford Rd.
Turn right at Lake Montebello Terrence
Turn left at Curran Drive
Turn left onto school parking lot, (you will see playground equipment)
Lake Montebello is surrounded by Hillen Rd (which changes to Perrring Pkwy), 33rd, Harford Rd. This entrance is off of Harford Rd.

We'll see you at the park THIS Saturday, May 24!

Friday, May 16, 2008

New words from Bible Study: Megillah & Genizah



Bible Study Homework

Bishop Johnson has been leading a wonderful series in Bible Study called "How the Bible Came to Be."

Bishop showed a video from the Creation Evidence Museum. Here is more about the museum in Texas:

Our assignments are as follows:

Read and memorize the first 15 books of the Bible. We've already worked on the first 5, and then the 2nd five, now Bishop says to work on the 3rd five.

Read and memorize the following scriptures:

2 Tim: 3: 16-17
2 Peter: 1:19-21

Full length Scriptures are provided in the comments section of this post.

Sermon Highlights: Mother's Day, 5/11/08, 7:45

Galations 3:1-29

(Continuing Principle of Equivalent Effect series, includes review.)

Abraham didn't just believe in God, he BELIEVED God ... big difference.

There are tremendous benefits in saying Yes to God.

Principle of Equivalent Effect:
Based on the unchanging nature of God.

(See 3 Benefits in 4/27 notes. Note from point #3, "Releases in us the potential of our seed" ... not just offspring, but vision.)

The weakest Christian is stronger than the staunchest muslim, jehovah's witness, or buddist.

The power of God is not released because you know a lot or because of your family tree, but because of your faith.

Christ is God's wisdom. If you need wisdom, ask God. Wisdom is the ability to see into the nature of a thing.

The richest resources of every nation is the next generation. The neglect of that generation is abuse of our future. The power of change is in the presnet. God always goes after the see with the fruit. In every seed, there's not just an oak tree, there's a forest of trees.

Protect the promise of God in your life because the devil is after your seed.
God is a generational God whose promise to a specific man or woman is often to be fulfilled in their succeeding generation.

Psalm 112:1-3 (v. 2, the generation of the upright shall be blessed.) He wants us to protect the way.
You don't need to wear a cross around your neck, you just need to live skillfully.

In addition to Pastor Johnson's sermon, special Mother's Day Remarks were given by Sisters Jackie Ladd and Tanyai Cato.

Semon highlights: 4/27/08. The Benefits of Saying Yes to God

Galations 3:1-29

No matter what your ethnic background, you have to be a part of the seed in order to be a recipient of the promise; and it 's not by works, it's by faith.

When you have a relationship, you're healthy.

Once you miss the mark, you've missed the bull's eye.

The enemy works the hardest on me when it's time to go to another place.

Strategy: simply say "YES" to God whether I'm standing or not, whether you're feeling it or not.

In every seed, there is not just a tree, there's a forest.

There's a difference between believing in God, and believing God. Believe God, take HIM at His word.

Matthew 4:4 " ... proceedeth..." (But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.)

Key: Whatever he said, he's STILL saying.

The Principle of Equivalent Effect

Based on the the unchanging nature of God, states that every believer can and should experience the same effect that Word had on the original hearers who first received the Word.

The moment we say Yes to Him = the moment He begins to operate.

Remember, Abraham still had to make it to the top of the mountain.
Still say yes, don't get weary.

If you're in a spot right now, God wants to know how long you're going to stand on your "yes!"

3 Benefits
Our faith obedience
  1. releases the power of God (Acts 3:12) (People didn't do it, God did it)
  2. releases the wisdom of God (1 Cor 1:30-31, James 1:5-6) (You have to be broken in your soul man for wisdom to come out.)
  3. releases us to release the potential in our seed, to release the power to conquer Satan and all of his designs.
HE saved you so that a righteous line can start in your life.

[Full length scripture references are posted in the comments section of this post.]

Semon Highlights: 4/20/08. 7:45

Phil 2: 12-15

It's important to recognize the necessity of staying connected to HIM.

You need to be in communion with HIM, you need to stay connected to HIM, like you're talking to your best friend.

After you talk to HIM, wait long enough for HIM to talk back.

Pray without ceasing - you don't need to be in a closet; you need to have an attitude of prayer at all times.

Eternal life, not a gift FROM God, eternal life is a gift OF God. He gives you himself.

The Holy Spirit is already in you, the enemy wants you to believe HE's (Holy Spirit) ... HE is already in you.

I John 5: 1-14

The union between Jesus and His disciples is not an external arrangement - it is intentional.

You are a spirit. the body may go down, but the spirit still responds.

As HE is, so are we in this world (I John 3:1-3)

What's in a name?
The questions are:
  1. Who is the person's father? ( Jesus' father is "The I AM")
  2. Where is this person from? (Jesus is from Heaven)
  3. What does this person do? (Jesus does whatever is according to HIS will)
  4. What is his most prominent feature? (Jesus is God, He lives in me.)
(Remember, Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life ..." ( John 14:6))

For all that a name implies -- authority, character, (rank), majesty/royalty, power* , excellence;
of everything a name covers (authority - John 14), you have authority! You have Jesus in you! You have THE life. Some have more confidence in men, in textbooks, than in THE book. Read John 14. [The whole chapter is presented in the comments section of this post.]

* The flesh is weak, but there's power in the spirit. While you're going through, He's developing His character in you. All of my failures and my mes-ups are working together for my good. Nothing is able to separate me.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Prayer Request: For Mother Mattie Swinton

MESSAGE FROM 34/39 Member and Ambassador, Bro. Floyd Brice:

Let us remember in our prayers, Mother Mattie Swinton. For those who do not know, Sister Swinton is a long time member of the Ambassador Ministry. She had served for many, many years. If the Lord say so, she will be 92 years young in October.

At the end of our 10:45 AM service, our Bishop requested that we pray for her. My wife and I visited and had prayer with her on Monday. She was so happy to see us.

Let us not forget those who paved the way and build the bridge for us in this ministry. This is a true solider for the Lord.

As of this writing, you can contact her at:
Overlea Health And Rehabilitation Center6116 Belair RoadBaltimore, MD 21206

Mother Swinton and I are members of 34/39 Deacon Care.

Thank you, Ambassadors for your prayers to brighten a mother's heart.


Being Blessed is Good...Being Highly Favored is Best... Don't Settle For Just Being Blessed...Stay Highly Favored.

NOTE: Deacon Barry and Sister Sharon Moore (34/39 Team Leaders) also visited Mother Swinton in April and will visit again this week.

34/39, please keep Mother Swinton in your prayers.

Semon Highlights. 4/6/08. The Right to Use His Name

John 15: 5-7, Luke, Phil 2:9-13, 1 John 5: 12-15
Zoe life , the "God quality" of life, not psuche life (just aware of stuff.) Know -- experientially, not guessing.

Luke 10:19
Use authority. Jesus has given you authority over all power of the enemy.

Baptism - complete immersion, come up to live a new life.

John 15:5. Key: Without ME, you can do nothing.
John 15:7. What gives you the right? Jesus gave us the right.
John 15:9. Jesus in His humanity, abided in His father's love.

Obey. To flow (commands or guidance, to conform or comply with). To keep --> to preserve, maintain, abide. Abide: in dwell, occupy.

John 15:16. Remain. Stay, abide, continue throughout without interruption.
He'll hold you when it gets tough, we need to remain - Romans 8:28. What does it mean to remain? The thing that must be recovered is the fervent prayer in the Name of Jesus.

It means: To accept Jesus as savior (John 6: 54-56); persevere in believing; continuing, loving obedience. Remember, He will not leave you comfortless. When you're in love with the man Jesus, then you will be able to imitate everything He did, and you can see that what God requires of us is possible! It is possible, not by might, but by my spirit, says the Lord. Your extremity is God's opportunity.

The Lord is good. He knows everybody who trusts Him. He puts my sin in the sea of forgetfulness. Have you thought about how good God has been to you?

If you continue in my Word, then you are my disciples indeed.

The Union. The union between Jesus and His disciples is not an external arrangement. It is intentional. It is personal (The least we can do is have His back.) How much time have you spent in His love letter to you so that you can remain in His love for you? Though He slay me, yet, will I trust Him. It's personal, It's up close.

An awesome, yet tender reality. This love is not vague. He loves me unconditionally, not based on what I can be.
  • It is not a sentimental feeling
  • It is a tough reality
  • It is always revealed in obedience
Whatever is going on with you, you need to know that it's not just you, it's us.
The harder it gets, the sweeter the joy. You have been chosen, before the foundation of the world, you've been chosen. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have ordained you and prepared you for the job. When you ask in My Name ... He will give it to you. Our obedience is the proof of our love for Christ. The same way I love you ... love others.
Love --> Obey --> Abide --> Remain ... THEN use My Name. When you remain in Him, you remain in His love. Live in what God designed for you here, it starts with coming to know Him.

The Union. The union between J

Sermon Highlights: 3/23/08 - The Superiority of the Gospel Because of the Resurrection

Bishop Johnson started by saying "I was going to say we have happiness, but we have joy. Joy does not depend on happenings."

Gal 2:19-21

The Gospel is real because it started with God. It didn't come by man, didn't come by the will of man, didn't come by the blood of man.

The Gospel is:
  • Superior to the law
  • Superior to the flesh
  • Superior to the devil
The Gospel is so powerful until the gospel sets free.

We need to sign a spiritual death warrant to our tendency and inclination to sin. We need to have a funeral for you. I must give up my right to me. I need to die to what was and live in what is.

We try hard to be Christians. Stop trying - train wisely!

I am identified with Christ, I am crucified with Christ. What He did at Calvary, He works into the fabric of my life.

Romans 6:3.

He puts the God-quality of life in me, and it's up to me to work it out of me. But you have to make that come out. He worked it in, now you work it out.

Romans 6:4-5, Eph 4:4-10. Verse 9 has 3 views:
  1. Incarnation of Christ (Jesus came and lived.)
  2. He descended into Hades (death and resurrection)
  3. Death and burial (in a tomb)
Part 2: Rev. 1:18, I am He that liveth, was dead, and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and death.

(Note: "I am" = God)