Mount Pleasant (Baltimore) 34/39 Deacon Care Family Ministry

Welcome to the online home of the Deacon Care Family Ministry for the 21234 and 21239 zip codes of Mount Pleasant Church and Ministries, Baltimore, Maryland. We are better known as the "34/39 Zip Zone!"

The Mount Pleasant members of 21234 and 21239 have joined together for a number of activities. Sunday breakfast at church, a Saturday breakfast and walk in the park, Sunday dinner, Meet and Greet after service, and a Resource Center Fellowship. Page down for the latest information, then enjoy the photo slideshow at the bottom of the page.

Blog Posts & Messages

Our blog posts begin here. We add both announcements and notices that are specific to 34/39 members and to Mount Pleasant's members at large. We try to update this site several times each month. We welcome your posts in the comment sections.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Service WEDNESDAY NIGHT: Dec. 23, 7 PM (In place of missed Sunday Service due to snow)

As most of you now know, yesterday's Sunday worship service was not held due to the record-breaking snow fall. However, we will have service this week! Mount Pleasant will have a worship service on Wednesday, Dec. 23, at 7 PM! Please spread the word to family and friends.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sermon Notes: Let Peace Rule & Don't Worry (Dec. 6, 13)

Over the past few weeks, Bishop Johnson has been reminding the congregation about the real reason for Christmas (Christ!), but he has really been making sure that all know that this should not be a season for stressing out over "things" or the "acquisition of things." He said that no one should spend beyond their budget, don't worry about gifts to get or whether you can't afford gifts. Do not be stressed over anything this season.

Review of Sermon Notes:

Let Peace Rule!

Colossians 3:13-15,16

15And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

Don't be anxious about anything!

(Matt. 6:25, 28, 31, 34)

25Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

26Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

27Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

28And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

29And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

30Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

31Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

32(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

33But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

34Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Don't worry!

1) Keeps you from enjoying what you already have
2) Makes you forget your own worth
3) Is a complete waste of energy
4) Erases the promises of God from your mind
5) Doesn't look good on you.

First seek the kingdom of God. Put your care upon him. Why carry something that HE has already carried for you?

Monday, November 30, 2009

Vicky Yohe comes to Mt. Pleasant

Vicki Yohe is coming to Mt. Pleasant on Dec. 13!

Mount Pleasant will recognize Vicki's cover of Martha Munizzi's song "Because of Who You Are" (The Praise and Worship Team sang this yesterday), and her version of the worship song,"He's Been Faithful."

Vicki Yohe is signed to CeCe Winans' PureSprings label. Christian Music Monthly has published this interview with Vicki, it will introduce you to Vicki and her ministry:

Vicki Yohe sings "Because of Who You Are."

Interview with Vicki Yohe by BET's CocoBrother

SUNDAY, December 13, 2009
5:00 PM
Tickets: $10 + 1 unwrapped toy.
Approved list of suggested toys:

Tickets may be purchased at Lifeway Christian Bookstore. Toys to be donated should be brought to the concert. Monetary donations will be accepted in place of the toy donations.
Toys will be donated to the Johns Hopkins Children's Center and surrounding communities.

Series on INTEGRITY - summary from Sun. Nov. 29, 2009

Over the last few weeks, Bishop Johnson has been talking about integrity.

Here is a summary of the points that he has been giving us.

Building Integrity in Our Lives
  1. Deal with your past
  2. Commit to discover what the scripture says about justice and honor
  3. Examine your daily walk with God (Be quick to repent and confess sin, seek God's enabling grace to help you change direction.)
  4. Judge yourselves
  5. Listen to your conscience
  6. Seek Godly counsel from someone who understands your circumstances is is living by Godly values.
  7. Obey what you know (don't ignore it, respond to it).

We are reminded to "Be a doer, not just a hearer" (James 1:22.)

Our power source for life, a life of integrity, is Jesus Christ.

Scriptures used: Phil 4:13, Acts 17:28a, Psalm 107, Psalm 92, 1 John 4, Psalm 24, Psalm 27:1, Psalm 18:28-34, Isaiah 41: 10, 13, Psalm 102:27, Acts 17:28.
Bible Online:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

34/39 Member Highlight

34/39 Member Sis. Whitney Stansfield creates baked goods for your enjoyment! Her business "Taste and See" was featured at Mount Pleasant's Family & Friends Celebration this summer.

Photos from 34/39 Breakfast in the Park

Photos from 34/39 2009 ZipZone Sunday

New Holiday Worship Schedule. 9 AM services from Nov. 29 - Dec. 27

Greetings 34/39 ZipZone! We have been away from the blog for a little while, but we are still here to serve you! Please note that Mount Pleasant is launching a new Worship Schedule for the Holiday Season. Morning Service will begin at 9 AM each Sunday starting November 29 (after Thanksgiving) until Dec. 27 (before the New Year.) Our New Year's Eve, Dec. 31 Watchnight Service will also begin at 9 AM.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Living Life in the Love of God, May 17 Sermon Quotes

Sunday Sermon Quotes from Bishop Johnson, Sunday, May 17, 2009

Scripture References:
I John 3: 1-3, I John 3: 14-16, I John 4: 6-12.

  • Love is a realm
  • The realm of love is not subject to the natural world
  • It's a realm where you can experience God continually.
  • It's where faith becomes natural, where faith becomes understandable.
  • You will not live a life of love accidentally. You have to choose. Making a choice to love, sometimes you have to do it everyday, several times a day.
  • Christ died for us, we must live for Him. (I John 3:16)
  • Most precious words: "I love you," "I forgive you."
  • Love will paralyze fear.
  • Love is a realm where fear has no power.
  • The only cure for a painful environment is to allow God to love it away.
  • Love is not an action, it's a dimension.
  • When you love your enemies, you provide a conduit for God to love them.
  • You have to be in the right posture, the right realm for miracles.
  • Perfect love casts out fear ((I John 4:18)
  • You are committed only to the degree that you are committed to love.


Monday, May 4, 2009

Prayer for families in our Zip Zone

We are thankful for the life of Mount Pleasant's 100 year old member, Mother Mary Davis, who went to be with the Lord after so many years! We also ask continued prayer for Bro. Aaron Pitts on the passing of his mother. Please continue to pray for your 34/39 Deacon, Deacon Richard Lewis who is healing. We look forward to his return to MPCM soon!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday Services Today

Good morning.

Mount Pleasant will be celebrating Good Friday with services today, Friday, April 10, at 10:45 a.m.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

2nd Annual 34/39 Breakfast in the Park! May 23, 2009

It's a Spring 2008 21234 & 21239 Event!

The Deacon Care Team for the 21234 & 21239 Zip Zone would like to invite all 34/39 Members to the:

2nd Annual 34/39 Breakfast in the Park

34/39 will have breakfast and walk around the Lake on Saturday, May 23, 2009. Whether you decide to walk, sit and talk ... jog, or toss a ball ... we're looking forward to seeing you there!

Saturday, May 23, 2009.
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Location: Lake Montebello at Montebello Park in Baltimore.

The cost is FREE! We'll bring the breakfast food: fruit, pastries, yogurt, juice, and more! We'll bring the table and some seating. Feel free to join in and bring your blankets and lawn chairs as well.Eat! Fellowship! Join us at the park!

We'll see you at the park on Saturday, May 23!

Directions from MPCM:

  • Make right onto Radecke
  • Turn left at Cedonia Ave. changes to Sinclair Lane
  • Turn right at Moravia Rd
  • Turn left at Walther Ave.
  • Turn left at Harford Rd.
  • Turn right at Lake Montebello Terrence
  • Turn left at Curran DriveTurn left onto school parking lot, (you will see playground equipment)

Lake Montebello is surrounded by Hillen Rd (which changes to Perrring Pkwy), 33rd, Harford Rd. This entrance is off of Harford Rd.

-Your 34/39 Deaconcare ZipZone Team:

Deac. & Sis. Lewis, Deac. & Sis. Moore, Deac. & Sis. Tull

ZIPZONE Sunday, Part II. This Sunday, March 29!

This Sunday, March 29, is our ZIP ZONE Sunday. This Sunday, at 7:45 and 10:45 services, we will sit with our zip zones. This will provide us with a chance to continue to recognize one another as members of 34/39! We'll have signs and will look forward to welcoming you!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Prayer and Support for Loss in the Family

Dear 34/39 Members,

We are in prayer Deacon Barry Moore and his family on the death of Deacon Moore's father, Andre Moore. The wake for Deacon Moore's father was yesterday and the homegoing service will be today Wednesday, February 18, 2009 at 11 AM:

Vaughn Green
8728 Liberty Road
Randallstown, MD 21133

We also pray for the family of 34/39 member Sis. Juanita Addison; she went to be the Lord. Her daughter is Arnita Addison.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Gang Awareness - Coming Sunday, Feb. 16

Bishop Johnson has named Feb. 16, 2009, "Gang Awareness Sunday." The 10:45 service will have local police, testimonies, information, and more. Please plan to come this Sunday at 10:45 and bring others with you.

Coming soon: postings from other services

Notes from the following services:
  • Jan. 11 (Entire Sanctification, 1 Thessalonians 6:16-24)
  • Feb. 1 (2 Corinthians 4:1-8)
  • Feb. 8 (Experiencing Holiness, Experiencing Sanctification, 2 Corinthians 4:3, 1 Corinthians 10, Ephesians 4:17-24)

will be posted soon. Some of these services contain unique demonstrations that should be experienced via the DVD. Please consider getting the DVD for the full messages.

Sermon Notes: 7:45, 10:45, 5:00 Jan. 4, 2009

These notes contain highlights from both of Bishop Johnson's messages at 7:45 and 10:45 on Sunday, Jan. 4, 2009. Some brief highlights from the 5:00 Communion Service are also included. You are always encouraged to get the tapes and DVDs from the Narthex (on the side of the Narthex/Lobby closest to the elevator, going toward the Resource Center.)

Morning Services
Scripture References: Deut. 8:17-18

The people were taking credit for all of the wealth that they had. "In Abraham shall all of the nations of the earth be blessed." The Word is inot just for them, it is for us.

Proverbs 10:22
The emphasis is not on the wealth, the emphasis is on the blessing (the covenant relationship that God had with Abraham and put on his seed.)

We are the spiritual seed of Abraham; we are qualified for the blessing.

Hebrews 6:16-18
What God promises, He is able to perform. Wealth doesn't necessarily have to do with money, it can be a relationship.

True freedom only happens when I obey His command.

Deut. 8:1. Be careful to follow every commandment that I have given to you.

He led us through '08. It was hard, difficult, and tight, but God led us.

We have to remember that we didn't come through on our own. He led us even when we were kicking and screaming. You're right where you need to be right now.

When ends are meeting, remember, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth our to the mouth of God. Remember: life and death are in the power of the tongue; God hates murmuring.

Deut. 8:5-6. Keep God's commandments by reverencing Him.

Don't despise the chastening of the Lord. When God is disciplining you, He's training you to be equipped to go through difficult places. God loves me the way I am, but He doesn't want me to stay that way.

v. 11. Be careful that you don't forget the Lord your God by keeping His commandments. When we eat and are full, we tend to forget. Example: When you get a new home, don't forget God.
v. 13. Modern day ... [remember God] when you get a raise on your job. Increase doesn't necessarily mean money, you may have been increased in some justice or health. Be careful that your heart doesn't become proud.
The reason why we have issues: We don't want to obey the covenant. He doesn't need your help, He just needs your obedience. The freedom is in the blessing. It is the blessing that brings the wealth. It's not you, it's He that is doing it. Your money, relationships, family - it's all tied up in the covenant.

I'm already blessed. Live in the confines of the blessing. Remember that it is God who sustains you. It doesn't matter how it looks, you just need to know that he's sustaining you. I may not have everything that I want, but He's positioning Himself to take cre of our needs. In God's Word, you can find a hiding place - everything you need. The promised land - The Lord already said that you can have it, but when you there, you have to obey. In my weakness, He becomes my strength, In those moments, I have to stand on the Word of God.

Deut. 8:17-18, Hebrews 6:11-18.

It's the blessing that brings that riches, not the riches that bring the blessing (Galations 3:29, Ephesians 1:2). Understand how to live in and stay in the blessing. It's hard for most people to have complete dependence on the Word of God and God's ability and faithfulness to provide everthing that we need. We say "He's faithful" when it's convenient, we have to know that He's faithful when it's tight.

Deut. 8:1
  • Be careful to follow every one of His commandments
  • Remember how God humbled you when He tested you.
  • Keep God's commandments by fearing Him, reverencing Him (v. 5-6.)

God's Word will always work. When you reverence God, it evidences that you are in a covenant relationship. The time to reverence Him is when it's tight. When the oxygen is out of my environment, it's God's Word that makes me breathe again.

verse 11. Take heed not to forget God by not keeping His commands. DON'T FORGET! When you get the things, don't let the things take God's place. True freedom comes only in the confines of the covenant. Disobedience yields consequences that will hold you longer than you want to be held. The enemy get us involved in "dead works", "Fleshly works" ... God will always sustain you.

5:00 p.m. Communion Service

Scripture Reference: 1 Corinthians 11: 23-31

Communion can be a life-giving, life changing experience.

Examine [definition]: To inspect, look inside, not to find disapproval. Key: to look inside and remind us of the Lord Jesus Christ. Look inside to find what's right with me. I get approval in Jesus. He's provided a way to put me back in fellowship and nothing can take me out of relationship.

Come to the table and remember you are approved. Luke 16. [when you know you've been wrong] The wrong doesn't disqualify you, it lets yo know how qualified you are. Why am I sick and weak? Too much negativity in the body. The Lord says, When I chasten you, I'm training you. Activate the release valve - Communion.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sermon Notes: Bishop Johnson, New Year's Eve, Dec. 31, 2008. "God's Time Made Personal"

(This message contains references to the kairos and the chronos. Throughout January, you've been hearing Bishop Johnson refer to kairotic moments. This is the message where he introduces that topic.)

Scripture Reference: I Cor. 15: 1-10 (Entire scripture texts are found in the comments section of this post.)

Nothing happens in the sovereignty of God by accident. God gives us His word forinstruction. There's nothing in the Bible by accident. No one is on this earth by accident. You're here on God's time.

Everyone in the room can find yourselves in the scripture.

Fullness - fulfillment, completion of time.

  • Chronos (Quantitative) - period measured by the succession of objects and events and denotes the passing of a moment. (Time moves and nobody can stop it.)

  • Kairos - time, seasons. Time moves but there is something passing in chronos. (Time of accomplishment.) Something happens (Qualitatively.)

In kairos time, something ought to happen. Chronos is measured time. Chronos time embraces all possible kairos time.

All measured time is not always accomplished time.

Make your kairos person. KAIROTIC MOMENT.

Acts 7:51-60, 8:1

How many times has God spoken to us and we refused to do what God had for us in the kairotic moment? Don't miss your kairotic moment when God speaks. Whenever kairos comes, it leaves a residue.

Acts 9:1-5

[Recall the stories of] Saul (hebrew name)/Paul (greek name)

Acts 9:5, Acts 26:14. In chapter 7, when Stephen was being stones, there was a kairotic moment, rejected.

Paul's conscience was being violated. "It's hard to kick against the goads/pricks" which means that there's no need to kick against what you can't stop anyway.

Whenever you get a kiss from heaven, your eyes are opened. Acts 9:18.

I Cor 15: 8-9 (Like a premie, born dead, living among living people.) Phil. 3:12-14.

What about God's fullness of time for your dreams, business, family, aspirations?

[God says] What are you going to do with My Son? I've given you all of the chronos that you need. Would you give Him your life and see what God will do next?

Please note that these sermon notes are a summary. The entire message is available on CD or DVD. It can be ordered through the church's website, by calling the office. You can also get a copy immediately after any service. As as you exit the sanctuary, go toward the right side of the Narthex (church lobby) next to the elevators to find the booth with media resources.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Condolences and Prayer Requests

Please keep the following families in prayer as they are missing their family members who passed in December. Please find them in church on Sunday and share your love and encouragement with them.
* Sis. Mae Edwards and family on the passing of her daughter, Sis. Denise Bates.
* Bro. Ed Neal on the passing of his aunt.
* Sis. Nadine Neal on the passing of her father.
Please keep all of our 34/39 members in prayer. There have been requests for prayer for healing (physical and emotional), children, family issues, recovery, and restoration.

Sermon Notes: Min. Brace, Sunday, Dec. 28, 2008

The following highlights come from Min. Brace's sermon, 7:45 a.m., Sunday, Dec. 28.

So much of what we do to celebrate Christmas does not honor Christ, it's honoring ourselves. Most of what we do is nothing more than a veiled, vain attempt to avoid rejection. We spend money that we don't have to give gifts to people that we don't even talk to half of the time. We measure our value by the gift that we give. What is the value/quality of the gift that you give to The King?

[This Christmas] made me look at my celebratory acts, the reason for the season. [I] found that Jesus Christ is our best example for dealing with rejection (Isaiah 53:1-3.) The same way that He was despides and rejected, He still IS despised and rejected. He did not allow the rejection of man to prevent him from doing what God told him to do.

Despised - looked down upon. Hebrew definition: "Hold in disdain or disrespect, prefer something more that the thing you despise."
Rejection - refuse to submit to, refuse to hear, receive. Hebrew definition: "stop, desist, leave someone alone, lacking men, forsaken by men.

  • Rejection started in heaven. Lucifer preferred his own lordship and wouldn't submit to (rejected) the Lordship of God.
  • It continued in the garden. Adam sinned out of a fear of rejection. He preferred acceptance from Eve more than he preferred obedience from God. All of mankind as a result is sold into sin because of the spirit of rejection.

At every turn and circumstance, man has rejected God because we have sought acceptance from man more than we have preferred God. But Jesus Christ is our example. He created everything, knows everything, knows that He will face rejection and despisement, comes to a cruel earth and submits to rejection. He preferred the acceptance of His father more than acceptance by man. He fulfilled His mission. He who was rejected, gave His life for those who were rejected. He who is rejected, does not reject those who reject Him. God owes us nothing! God sent his son who was rejected by the very ones who reject Him. How can I, how dare we shrink back from loving our enemies when God demonstrated His love toward us by sending His son. The rejected one died and hung on a cross for us even when He is rejected.

Hebrews 4:14-15:

14 Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.
15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

Since Jesus is our example, how did He oevercome? How shall WE overcome?

It was overcome through faithful obedience. Faith requires obedience. Obedience requires faith. He was faithfully obedient to the command, mission, purpose of His father. he was not concerned about man's acceptance, He was concerned about God's acceptance.

When God calls you and you stop and retreat because of rejection, that's when you prefer the acceptance of man.

When it is easy --> faithfully obey. When it's hard --> faithfully obey. Through the fire --> faithfully obey. Through the flood --> faithfully obey. When family walks away --> faithfully obey. When it seems like you don't have a friend in the world --> faithfully obey. When ends don't meet --> faithfully obey.

He promised to see you through your expected end with joy. All that it requires is that you faithfully obey. Jesus Christ - our example.