Scripture Reference: I Cor. 15: 1-10 (Entire scripture texts are found in the comments section of this post.)
Nothing happens in the sovereignty of God by accident. God gives us His word forinstruction. There's nothing in the Bible by accident. No one is on this earth by accident. You're here on God's time.
Everyone in the room can find yourselves in the scripture.
Fullness - fulfillment, completion of time.
- Chronos (Quantitative) - period measured by the succession of objects and events and denotes the passing of a moment. (Time moves and nobody can stop it.)
- Kairos - time, seasons. Time moves but there is something passing in chronos. (Time of accomplishment.) Something happens (Qualitatively.)
In kairos time, something ought to happen. Chronos is measured time. Chronos time embraces all possible kairos time.
All measured time is not always accomplished time.
Make your kairos person. KAIROTIC MOMENT.
Acts 7:51-60, 8:1
How many times has God spoken to us and we refused to do what God had for us in the kairotic moment? Don't miss your kairotic moment when God speaks. Whenever kairos comes, it leaves a residue.
Acts 9:1-5
[Recall the stories of] Saul (hebrew name)/Paul (greek name)
Acts 9:5, Acts 26:14. In chapter 7, when Stephen was being stones, there was a kairotic moment, rejected.
Paul's conscience was being violated. "It's hard to kick against the goads/pricks" which means that there's no need to kick against what you can't stop anyway.
Whenever you get a kiss from heaven, your eyes are opened. Acts 9:18.
I Cor 15: 8-9 (Like a premie, born dead, living among living people.) Phil. 3:12-14.
What about God's fullness of time for your dreams, business, family, aspirations?
[God says] What are you going to do with My Son? I've given you all of the chronos that you need. Would you give Him your life and see what God will do next?
Please note that these sermon notes are a summary. The entire message is available on CD or DVD. It can be ordered through the church's website, by calling the office. You can also get a copy immediately after any service. As as you exit the sanctuary, go toward the right side of the Narthex (church lobby) next to the elevators to find the booth with media resources.