Mount Pleasant (Baltimore) 34/39 Deacon Care Family Ministry

Welcome to the online home of the Deacon Care Family Ministry for the 21234 and 21239 zip codes of Mount Pleasant Church and Ministries, Baltimore, Maryland. We are better known as the "34/39 Zip Zone!"

The Mount Pleasant members of 21234 and 21239 have joined together for a number of activities. Sunday breakfast at church, a Saturday breakfast and walk in the park, Sunday dinner, Meet and Greet after service, and a Resource Center Fellowship. Page down for the latest information, then enjoy the photo slideshow at the bottom of the page.

Blog Posts & Messages

Our blog posts begin here. We add both announcements and notices that are specific to 34/39 members and to Mount Pleasant's members at large. We try to update this site several times each month. We welcome your posts in the comment sections.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Prayer and Support for Loss in the Family

Dear 34/39 Members,

We are in prayer Deacon Barry Moore and his family on the death of Deacon Moore's father, Andre Moore. The wake for Deacon Moore's father was yesterday and the homegoing service will be today Wednesday, February 18, 2009 at 11 AM:

Vaughn Green
8728 Liberty Road
Randallstown, MD 21133

We also pray for the family of 34/39 member Sis. Juanita Addison; she went to be the Lord. Her daughter is Arnita Addison.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Gang Awareness - Coming Sunday, Feb. 16

Bishop Johnson has named Feb. 16, 2009, "Gang Awareness Sunday." The 10:45 service will have local police, testimonies, information, and more. Please plan to come this Sunday at 10:45 and bring others with you.

Coming soon: postings from other services

Notes from the following services:
  • Jan. 11 (Entire Sanctification, 1 Thessalonians 6:16-24)
  • Feb. 1 (2 Corinthians 4:1-8)
  • Feb. 8 (Experiencing Holiness, Experiencing Sanctification, 2 Corinthians 4:3, 1 Corinthians 10, Ephesians 4:17-24)

will be posted soon. Some of these services contain unique demonstrations that should be experienced via the DVD. Please consider getting the DVD for the full messages.

Sermon Notes: 7:45, 10:45, 5:00 Jan. 4, 2009

These notes contain highlights from both of Bishop Johnson's messages at 7:45 and 10:45 on Sunday, Jan. 4, 2009. Some brief highlights from the 5:00 Communion Service are also included. You are always encouraged to get the tapes and DVDs from the Narthex (on the side of the Narthex/Lobby closest to the elevator, going toward the Resource Center.)

Morning Services
Scripture References: Deut. 8:17-18

The people were taking credit for all of the wealth that they had. "In Abraham shall all of the nations of the earth be blessed." The Word is inot just for them, it is for us.

Proverbs 10:22
The emphasis is not on the wealth, the emphasis is on the blessing (the covenant relationship that God had with Abraham and put on his seed.)

We are the spiritual seed of Abraham; we are qualified for the blessing.

Hebrews 6:16-18
What God promises, He is able to perform. Wealth doesn't necessarily have to do with money, it can be a relationship.

True freedom only happens when I obey His command.

Deut. 8:1. Be careful to follow every commandment that I have given to you.

He led us through '08. It was hard, difficult, and tight, but God led us.

We have to remember that we didn't come through on our own. He led us even when we were kicking and screaming. You're right where you need to be right now.

When ends are meeting, remember, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth our to the mouth of God. Remember: life and death are in the power of the tongue; God hates murmuring.

Deut. 8:5-6. Keep God's commandments by reverencing Him.

Don't despise the chastening of the Lord. When God is disciplining you, He's training you to be equipped to go through difficult places. God loves me the way I am, but He doesn't want me to stay that way.

v. 11. Be careful that you don't forget the Lord your God by keeping His commandments. When we eat and are full, we tend to forget. Example: When you get a new home, don't forget God.
v. 13. Modern day ... [remember God] when you get a raise on your job. Increase doesn't necessarily mean money, you may have been increased in some justice or health. Be careful that your heart doesn't become proud.
The reason why we have issues: We don't want to obey the covenant. He doesn't need your help, He just needs your obedience. The freedom is in the blessing. It is the blessing that brings the wealth. It's not you, it's He that is doing it. Your money, relationships, family - it's all tied up in the covenant.

I'm already blessed. Live in the confines of the blessing. Remember that it is God who sustains you. It doesn't matter how it looks, you just need to know that he's sustaining you. I may not have everything that I want, but He's positioning Himself to take cre of our needs. In God's Word, you can find a hiding place - everything you need. The promised land - The Lord already said that you can have it, but when you there, you have to obey. In my weakness, He becomes my strength, In those moments, I have to stand on the Word of God.

Deut. 8:17-18, Hebrews 6:11-18.

It's the blessing that brings that riches, not the riches that bring the blessing (Galations 3:29, Ephesians 1:2). Understand how to live in and stay in the blessing. It's hard for most people to have complete dependence on the Word of God and God's ability and faithfulness to provide everthing that we need. We say "He's faithful" when it's convenient, we have to know that He's faithful when it's tight.

Deut. 8:1
  • Be careful to follow every one of His commandments
  • Remember how God humbled you when He tested you.
  • Keep God's commandments by fearing Him, reverencing Him (v. 5-6.)

God's Word will always work. When you reverence God, it evidences that you are in a covenant relationship. The time to reverence Him is when it's tight. When the oxygen is out of my environment, it's God's Word that makes me breathe again.

verse 11. Take heed not to forget God by not keeping His commands. DON'T FORGET! When you get the things, don't let the things take God's place. True freedom comes only in the confines of the covenant. Disobedience yields consequences that will hold you longer than you want to be held. The enemy get us involved in "dead works", "Fleshly works" ... God will always sustain you.

5:00 p.m. Communion Service

Scripture Reference: 1 Corinthians 11: 23-31

Communion can be a life-giving, life changing experience.

Examine [definition]: To inspect, look inside, not to find disapproval. Key: to look inside and remind us of the Lord Jesus Christ. Look inside to find what's right with me. I get approval in Jesus. He's provided a way to put me back in fellowship and nothing can take me out of relationship.

Come to the table and remember you are approved. Luke 16. [when you know you've been wrong] The wrong doesn't disqualify you, it lets yo know how qualified you are. Why am I sick and weak? Too much negativity in the body. The Lord says, When I chasten you, I'm training you. Activate the release valve - Communion.